$1,900,000 2-unit Acquisition San Francisco, CA

Rubicon Mortgage Fund facilitated the financing for a 2-unit Acquisition in San Francisco. The borrower, a seasoned client with a history of successful transactions totaling over six with Rubicon, contributed to an expedited closing process, completed within a single week. Despite the expeditious nature of the close, a delay in finalizing the transaction occurred, attributable to the San Francisco County Recorder’s office. The county rejected seller documents on five occasions over a span of two days before our escrow officer successfully engaged with a representative, facilitating a thorough review and resolution of the submitted transaction and documents. Leveraging a rental property as additional collateral, the borrower secured the necessary down payment for this transaction. The intended exit strategy for this 2-unit Acquisition in San Francisco involves comprehensive renovation and redevelopment of the property to optimize its market value for subsequent sale.
Loan Amount: $1,900,000
Loan Term: 12 Months
CLTV: 55%
Loan Position: First Position Deed of Trust

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