Privacy Policy



Your Privacy is Important to Us

Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC (“{{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}}”, “We”, “Our”, or “Us”) values the privacy of the visitors to its website (“Website) and the users of the services provided thereon (individually, “User” or “you”, and collectively, “Users”), and makes it a priority to protect any personally identifiable information it obtains from its Users. This Privacy Policy explains {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}}’ collection, use, and protection of your personal information on and in connection with the {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}}.com website (“Website”) and all content, services and/or products provided through the Website (collectively, the “Services”). If you have any questions that this policy does not address, please contact us {{}}. By accessing the Services, registering as a user, using our Service or by otherwise submitting your personal information to us, you give your consent to the collection and use of personal information as explained in this policy. The term “personal information” refers to non-public information that personally relates to or identifies you (such as your name, password, age, gender, email address, postal mailing address, zip code, home/mobile telephone number, Social Security number and/or taxpayer identification number, investment objectives, investment experience, assets and income, and other similar information). Non-personally identifiable information collected on the Website may include, without limitation, website pages viewed, sites visited before visiting the Site, frequency of visits, clickstream data, browser type, operating system, organization name, articles, internet connection speed, presentations viewed, time spent viewing pages of our website or using certain features of our website, demographic data such as server locations, clickstream data, location services, server location, cookies existing on your computer, search criteria used and results, date and time of access or visits to our website, frequency of visits to our website, connection speed, and other information which does not specifically identify you.

Our Pledge to You

We are required by law and regulatory bodies to ask for certain information in order to provide our Services to you. {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} makes commercially reasonable best efforts to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and security of our BUSINESSs’ personal information. Keeping BUSINESS information secure and using it only as our Users want us to, are matters of principle for all of us at {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}}. With this in mind, here is our commitment to each and every User: Except as you may otherwise expressly approve, we will limit the collection and use of BUSINESS and user information to what we believe would be useful to service your accounts, administer our business, or to tell you about our Services;

  • We will restrict employee access to BUSINESS and user information to those who need to know in order to provide Services to you.
  • We will educate our employees according to our internal policies to reinforce the importance of confidentiality and BUSINESS and user privacy.
  • We will maintain commercially reasonable and customary security standards and procedures to protect information about you.

Updates and Changes to Privacy Policy

In the event of a change in this policy, a revised Privacy Policy will promptly be posted to our Website, and the “Updated” date will be changed. If the revised Privacy Policy contains a material change to how we collect or use personal information, notice of the change will be emailed to you or posted on the Website’s home page. Please revisit this page to familiarize yourself with changes to the Privacy Policy. You agree to accept posting of a revised Privacy Policy as described herein as actual notice to you of such revised Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Services after such posting constitute to the collection and use of your information as described in the then-current Privacy Policy.

How and Why {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} Discloses Your Information to Third Parties

We limit the sharing of personal information outside {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}}. We do not sell, license, lease, or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties, except as noted below: We may disclose your personal information when such disclosure is legally required or appropriate pursuant any court orders, subpoenas or any regulations, including responding to court orders and subpoenas, cooperating with government agencies, other regulatory bodies, and law enforcement officials, performing background checks, resolving disputes or performing risk-management functions. To help us improve our Services, we may engage third parties to help us to carry out certain internal functions. Examples of the types of outside companies with which we may share information include administrative and accounting companies that perform services for us, such as data processing, and companies that perform reporting, tax documentation, custody, title or escrow services on our behalf. Use of any personal information we share with these third parties is limited to the performance of the task we request. The third parties with which we share personal information are required to protect it in a manner similar to the way we protect your personal information. We may make certain automatically collected information about your interactions and activities on the Services, such as the business or investment areas of interest to you or that you have invested in, and your past activities, projects or proposals. We further reserve the right to disclose any of your personal information as we believe appropriate or necessary to take precautions against liability, to investigate and defend against any third party claims or allegations, to assist government enforcement agencies, to protect the security or integrity of the Services, or to protect the rights, property or personal safety of {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}}, its Users, Issuers, or others. {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} may also use and disclose personally identifiable information and non-personally identifiable information: to investigate and help prevent potentially unlawful activity or activities that threaten the integrity of our website or network; to protect and defend our rights or property or the rights or property of others; as required by courts or administrative agencies; and in connection with a financing, sale, merger, or reorganization of {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}}’ business or assets. Any successor in interest to our business would acquire the information we maintain, including personally identifiable. The Website and the offerings therein are intended only for accredited investors (for persons residing in the U.S.), and for persons residing abroad in jurisdictions where securities registration exemptions apply. ie information, and may alter the terms of this Privacy Notice. {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} does not and will not sell any of your information, including non-personally identifiable or personally identifiable information, to any third party for purposes of advertising, soliciting, or telemarketing.

Our Privacy Policy Does Not Apply to Third-Party Activities or Sites

The Website may provide links to third-party websites for your convenience and information. If you access those links, you will leave the {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} Website. Any information submitted by you to a third party, including Issuers, will be controlled by that third party’s privacy policy, which may differ from {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}}’. This Privacy Policy does not cover the collection of information by cookies or other methods by such third-party services or other third parties, such as our business partners. We do not control how these third-party services, or third parties collect information or by what means such third-party services, or third parties may use their own cookies to collect information about you. We do not endorse, screen, or approve, and are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of, other websites or services. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any company before submitting your personal information.

Keeping Information Safe

We limit access to your personal information to those employees who have a legitimate business need to access such information to provide you with the Services. In keeping with industry standards and practices, we maintain commercially reasonable physical, electronic and procedural safeguards and controls to protect your information. The Website is built upon a secure infrastructure with multiple layers of protection and we use industry standard encryption technologies to safeguard your information. Users are required to identify and authenticate themselves prior to accessing restricted portions of the Services. Generally, identification and authentication take place through the use of your username and a password. You are responsible for keeping your password confidential. We have security standards and procedures in place designed to prevent unauthorized access to your accounts and personal information. A key part of this process helps ensure that all information we have about you is accurate and up to date. If you ever discover inaccuracies in our data or if your personal information changes, notify us at {{}} immediately. The transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure, and for this reason we cannot guarantee the security of information sent to us electronically. If we learn of a security systems breach, we may attempt to notify you electronically so that you can take appropriate protective steps. We may also post a notice on or through the Website and the Services in the event of a security breach. Depending on where you live, you may have a legal right to receive notice of a security breach in writing.

Opt-out Policy

We may at times send you e-mail communications with marketing or promotional materials. If you prefer not to receive such marketing or promotional e-mails from us, you may unsubscribe completely by emailing us at: {{}}. Please note that opt-out requests may take up to one (1) week to process. Please also note that at times we may need to send you e-mail communications that are transactional in nature such as service or termination announcements or payment confirmations which are communications you will not be able to opt-out of.

An Ongoing Commitment to Your Privacy

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our former BUSINESSs as well as our current BUSINESSs. If you choose to become an inactive BUSINESS, you will continue to be protected by the policies and principles described in this Privacy Policy for as long as your personal information is retained by us. Should you close your account with us, we will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to comply with any applicable legal or regulatory requirements.

Children’s Privacy Policy

The {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} website is not intended for use by children, especially those under eighteen (18) years of age. No one under eighteen (18) years of age is allowed to use the website, provide any personal information or receive our email distributions. We do not knowingly solicit or collect Personally Identifiable Information from children under the age of thirteen (13) or anyone under eighteen years of age. If you believe that a minor has disclosed Personally Identifiable Information to {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}}, please report this to us immediately by emailing us at: {{}}.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The Website is maintained in the United States of America. By accessing the {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} website, you consent to and authorize the export of Personally Identifiable Information to the United States of America and its storage and use as specified in this Privacy Notice. This Privacy Notice shall be governed by, construed and entered in accordance with the laws of the State of California applicable to contracts deemed to be made within such state, without regard to choice of law or conflict of law provisions thereof. All disputes with respect to this Privacy Notice shall be brought and heard either in the California State Courts located in Portland, Oregon, or the federal district court for Portland, Oregon. You consent to the in-person jurisdiction and venue of such courts.


{{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} Confidentiality Agreement

{{}} (the “Website”) is a private, confidential website intended solely for the limited use for which you (and, if applicable, your organization) have been given access. By accessing the Website, the pages contained on it, and the content, information and materials contained or described herein (together the “Information”), you agree that the Website and the Information are of a confidential nature, that you will hold and treat it in the strictest confidence, and that you will not disclose the Information to any other person or entity without the prior written authorization of {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}}, nor will you use the Information in any fashion or manner detrimental to the interest of {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} (as defined in the Terms and Conditions of Use) or any deal sponsors that have listed investment opportunities on the Website ({{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} and such deal sponsors, each, a “Disclosing Party”). You agree to promptly notify {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} of any unauthorized use or disclosure of any Information, and you shall be responsible for any breach of your confidentiality obligations as set forth in this User Confidentiality Policy by your employees and agents. Due to the unique nature of the Information, you agree that any breach or threatened breach of this User Confidentiality Policy will cause not only financial harm to the Disclosing Parties, but also irreparable harm for which money damages will not be an adequate remedy. Therefore, any Disclosing Party shall be entitled, in addition to any other legal or equitable remedies, to an injunction or similar equitable relief against any such breach or threatened breach of this User Confidentiality Policy without the necessity of posting any bond.

Contact Information

Please contact {{Rubicon Realty Advisors, Inc., Rubicon Mortgage Fund, LLC}} with any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, your personal information, or your choices with regards to our collection and use of your personal information, by completing our contact form or email at {{}}.

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