1.What Residential property types does Rubicon fund?

  • Single Family Home
  • Multifamily Unit Complexes

2.What Commercial property types does Rubicon fund?

  • Mixed Use

  • Apartments 5+ Units

  • Office Buildings

  • Retail Properties

  • Industrial Properties

  • Mini Storage Facilities

  • Mobile Home Parks

3.Is there a fee for getting a loan quote?

No, there is no fee for getting a quote. Contact Us to describe a bit about your project and we will quote you rough numbers right over the phone.

4.What Type of Loans does Rubicon Fund?

  • Property Purchase

  • Refinance

  • Equity Cash out

  • Bridge Loan

  • Rehab Fix & Flip (Selective - SF Bay Area only)

  • New Construction (Highly Selective - SF Bay Area only)

  • Note Purchase

6.Can I lower my current loan costs?

Contact us to discuss your current situation. In most cases we are able to save you time, money or both.

7.Does everyone get the same loan rate?

Our rates are based on our internal lending metrics. In some cases return borrowers and higher equity levels may change the rate that you will receive, but loans are taken on a case by case and subject to current market conditions.

8.Will you lend on Vacant Properties for rehab, fix & flip?

As an asset based lender, Rubicon has the ability to finance Vacant Properties.
Call for details or contact us here.

9.Does Rubicon Fund Cannabis Projects?

Currently Rubicon Mortgage Fund does not fund projects who's income is derived solely from the growth or sale of cannabis.

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Rubicon Mortgage Fund